Teaching and research: Specificity and congruence of university faculty achievement goals [post]

Martin Daumiller, Markus Dresel
2021 unpublished
Teaching and research are core tasks of university faculty. Previous research has documented the power of achievement goal theory for describing university scholars' motivations. For theory, research, and practical implications it is crucial to have knowledge about the separability, as- sociations, differences, and interplay of scholars' goals for teaching and research. Hence, we report two studies with 1151 and 771 German university scholars. We found that their goals can be separated between
more » ... oth domains while sharing a substantial amount of variance (26–67%). Besides general differences in goal pursuit (more functional in the research domain, more variability in the teaching domain), the congruence of goal pursuit between both domains was associated with work stress, job satisfaction, and beliefs about the teaching-research-nexus.
doi:10.31234/osf.io/q79n2 fatcat:54ulc5vj6fecvkfwa2rh2hhlpq