The effect of interface roughness on exchange bias in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3–BiFeO3 heterostructures

Mehran Vafaee, Simone Finizio, Hakan Deniz, Dietrich Hesse, Hartmut Zabel, Gerhard Jakob, Mathias Kläui
2016 Applied Physics Letters  
We characterized the interfaces of heterostructures with different stack sequences of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/BiFeO3 (LSMO/BFO) and BFO/LSMO using TEM revealing sharp and rough interfaces, respectively. Magnetometry and magnetoresistance measurements do not show a detectable exchange bias coupling for the multistack with sharp interface. Instead, the heterostructures with rough and chemically intermixed interfaces exhibit a sizable exchange bias coupling. Furthermore, we find a temperature-dependent
more » ... versible magnetization behavior and an exponential decay of coercive and exchange bias field with temperature suggesting a possible spin-glass-like state at the interface of both stacks.
doi:10.1063/1.4941795 fatcat:phpotl7f7jbbpfqgz6ig2ozlfm