Localization effect in mesoscopic quantum dots and quantum-dot arrays

L.-H. Lin, N. Aoki, K. Nakao, A. Andresen, C. Prasad, F. Ge, J. P. Bird, D. K. Ferry, Y. Ochiai, K. Ishibashi, Y. Aoyagi, T. Sugano
1999 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
We discuss the observation of an unusual type of localization in split-gate quantum dots and quantum-dot arrays. While no evidence for its existence is found prior to biasing the gates, the localization persists to conductance values as high as 50 e 2 /h and is not destroyed by the application of a weak magnetic field. The carrier density in the dots remains constant over the range of gate bias studied and these characteristics suggest that the localization is quite distinct to that studied
more » ... iously in two-dimensional semiconductors. We suggest that a confinement-induced enhancement of the electron-electron interaction may be responsible for the localization and propose a simple functional form which allows us to account for its variation as a function of either temperature or source-drain voltage. ͓S0163-1829͑99͒52848-8͔ RAPID COMMUNICATIONS PRB 60 R16 301 LOCALIZATION EFFECT IN MESOSCOPIC QUANTUM . . .
doi:10.1103/physrevb.60.r16299 fatcat:3y4zg7ftr5hwroq6hcr4svgerq