Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Sexuality and Modern Contraceptive Methods among the Young People at Cotonou (Benin)

Tshabu Aguemon Christiane, Yunga Foma Jean de Dieu, King Sopouassi V. Nicholas, Matabishi Philemon, Charles Le Bon, Pérrin René Xavier
2018 Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology  
Youth is the period of life when one usually experiences sexual relations for the first time. Lack of preparation and inexperience lead to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. The aim was to study the knowledge, attitudes and practices of sexuality and modern contraceptive methods among young people in Cotonou. Method: This was a descriptive and prospective study that was conducted from August to September 2017 among young people living in Cotonou. Results: We had
more » ... 500 young people. The sex ratio was 0.6 with 267 girls (61.1%). 27.9% of young people surveyed do not know the fertility period. 76.2% of young people are sexually active and 39.8% have at least 2 sexual partners. Most of these young people had early sexual intercourse at an average age of 16.73 ± 2.85 years. Half of the boys have sex for pleasure and half of the girls have sex for love. 100% of young people know at least one STI, especially HIV/AIDS. Of the 15.10% of cases of reported pregnancy, 49.2% resulted in an abortion. 99% are aware of modern contraceptive methods for the prevention of pregnancy. But 53.7% are unaware that modern contraceptive methods prevent STIs. The main sources of information on contraception are the media and teachers. The main modern contraceptive method used is the condom in 73%. Young people surveyed do not use modern contraceptive methods in 57.5%. Conclusion: The practices of sexuality and modern contraceptive methods remain quite limited among young people. It is important to intensify information and awareness activities.
doi:10.4236/ojog.2018.810091 fatcat:vyysqvncsjgardtzc27v6rtpcq