Zoonotic Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Free-Roaming Dogs, Kiribati

Patsy A Zendejas-Heredia, Allison Crawley, Helen Byrnes, Rebecca J Traub, Vito Colella
2021 Emerging Infectious Diseases  
Soil-transmitted helminths are highly prevalent in the Asia-Pacific region. We report a 96.5% prevalence of zoonotic soil-transmitted helminths in dogs in Kiribati. We advocate for urgent implementation of treatment and prevention programs for these zoonotic pathogens, in line with the Kiribati-World Health Organization Cooperation Strategy 2018-2022.
doi:10.3201/eid2708.204900 pmid:34287132 pmcid:PMC8314807 fatcat:hvoudni7uzej7hditp7dnv3g5a