Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse von Ba3CeIVRu2IVO9, Ba3LnIII,Ru2IV/VO9 (Ln = Sm, Dy, Er) und Ba3Ti2,4Ru0,6O9 / Single Crystal X-Ray Analysis of Ba3CeIVRu2IVO9, Ba3LnIII,Ru2IV/VO9 (Ln = Sm, Dy, Er) and Ba3Ti2,4Ru0,6O9

Hk. Müller-Buschbaum, B. Mertens
1996 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
Single crystals of (I) Ba3CeRu2O9, (II) Ba3SmRu2O9, (III) Ba3DyRu2O9, (IV) Ba3ErRu2O9 and (V) Ba3Ti2 4Ru0,6O9 have been prepared by high temperature solid state reactions. The compounds were examined by X-ray techniques. They crystallize with hexagonal symmetry, space group D46h-P63/mmc with (I): a = 5.8738(7), c = 14.585(4); (II): a = 5.9137(5), c = 14.651(2); (III): a = 5.8805(5), c = 14.506(1); (IV): a = 5.8737(9), c = 14.470(3); (V): a = 5.7265(6), c = 14.006(2) Å, Z = 2. The crystal
more » ... res belong to the 6 L-perovskite type. Calculations of the Coulomb terms of the lattice energy led to the valence states (I): CeIV/RuIV and (II)-(IV): LnIII,/RuIV/V. (V) shows a partial statistic distribution of TiIV and RuIV.
doi:10.1515/znb-1996-0115 fatcat:bp2cn3rcajew7pf4k3277ogmga