A novel approach to interference mitigation for UWB pulse radio

Lei Jiang, Yongsheng Wang, Jianxin Guo
Proceedings. 2005 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2005.  
A novel approach named adaptive modified receiving template waveform (AMRTW) is proposed in this paper. This new approach uses adaptive frequency estimator to give the estimating values of the interference frequency and the interference frequency band. Based on these estimating values, the receiving template signal is decomposed rationally by the adaptive template signal-analyzing unit. And the UWB receiver modifies the receiving template signal with removing some decomposing signal components
more » ... hat are close to the interfering spectrum from the receiving template signal. The simulation results of bit error rate performance show that this new method is efficient in interference mitigation for UWB pulse radio. 0-7803-9335-X/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE
doi:10.1109/wcnm.2005.1544050 fatcat:iaanmsqphveqxhzubnqwfrzfxm