Spatio-Spectral Color Filter Array Design for Optimal Image Recovery

K. Hirakawa, P.J. Wolfe
2008 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
In digital imaging applications, data are typically obtained via a spatial subsampling procedure implemented as a color filter array-a physical construction whereby only a single color value is measured at each pixel location. Owing to the growing ubiquity of color imaging and display devices, much recent work has focused on the implications of such arrays for subsequent digital processing, including in particular the canonical demosaicking task of reconstructing a full color image from
more » ... y subsampled and incomplete color data acquired under a particular choice of array pattern. In contrast to the majority of the demosaicking literature, we consider here the problem of color filter array design and its implications for spatial reconstruction quality. We pose this problem formally as one of simultaneously maximizing the spectral radii of luminance and chrominance channels subject to perfect reconstruction, and-after proving sub-optimality of a wide class of existing array patterns-provide a constructive method for its solution that yields robust, new panchromatic designs implementable as subtractive colors. Empirical evaluations on multiple color image test sets support our theoretical results, and indicate the potential of these patterns to increase spatial resolution for fixed sensor size, and to contribute to improved reconstruction fidelity as well as significantly reduced hardware complexity. Index Terms-Color filter array (CFA), color imaging, demosaicking, digital camera pipeline, spatio-spectral sampling.
doi:10.1109/tip.2008.2002164 pmid:18784035 fatcat:ymomuoh7kjh3tohjsaaijer3lu