Bifurcations in Regional Migration Dynamics

Marcus Berliant, Fan-chin Kung
2007 Social Science Research Network  
The tomahawk bifurcation is used by Fujita et al. (1999) in a model with two regions to explain the formation of a core-periphery urban pattern from an initial uniform distribution. Baldwin et al. (2003) show that the tomahawk bifurcation disappears when the two regions have an uneven population of immobile agricultural workers. Thus, the appearance of this type of bifurcation is the result of assumed exogenous model symmetry. We provide a general analysis in a regional model of the class of
more » ... urcations that have crossing equilibrium loci, including the tomahawk bifurcation, by examining arbitrary smooth parameter paths in a higher dimensional parameter space. We ...nd that, in a parameter space satisfying a mild rank condition, generically in all parameter The authors thank Yuri Mansury for helpful comments but retain responsibility for any errors herein.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.983292 fatcat:hbkcbkvelvbn7oogbpwvqwjo3a