Versuche zur lysosomalen Zytolyse-Kettenreaktion der Krebszellenschädigung / Experiments to the Lysosomal Cytolysis Chain Reaction of Cancer Cells Damage

M. von Ardenne, P. G. Reitnauer
1974 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences  
After explaining the significance of a cytolysis chain reaction within the set of problems encountered in cancer therapy, all our previous studies on the lysosomal chain reaction and its problems are summarized. It follows a report on a new fundamental in vitro test showing that, at pH = 5.8, T = 42 °C and in cell suspensions with high cell volume portion (ƐZ = 4 0 · 10-3), EMAC cells are damaged very much quicker than in suspensions of only low cell volume (ƐZ = 2·10-3). Furthermore, there is
more » ... n increase in acidic phosphatase in the suspension milieu of high cell densities. In addition, it can be pointed out that the observed damaging of cells is closely linked with the complete inhibition of glucose metabolism. The described findings are to be taken as a strong circumstantial evidence for the efficiency of cell damaging chain reactions.
doi:10.1515/znc-1974-7-821 fatcat:lcxfp2i64vdsld3wjzphbhk7yi