Tetanus immunization in pregnant women: the factors affecting maternal evaluation, tetanus vaccination and vaccination rate
Gebelerde tetanoz immünizasyonu: Maternal değerlendirme, tetanoz aşılama durumu ve aşılama oranını etkileyen faktörler
Gökçe Turan, Gülnur Kul
Perinatal Journal
İD İD Özet: Gebelerde tetanoz immünizasyonu: Maternal de¤erlendirme, tetanoz afl›lama durumu ve afl›lama oran›n› etkileyen faktörler Amaç: Bu çal›flmada hastanemize baflvuran gebelerin tetanoz afl›s› hakk›ndaki bilgi, tutum ve davran›fllar›n›n de¤erlendirilmesi amaç-lanm›flt›r. Yöntem: Bu kesitsel çal›flmada, Ocak 2019 ve Temmuz 2019 ay-lar› aras›nda klini¤imize baflvuran gebeler dahil edildi. Tüm kat›-l›mc›lara gebelikte tetanoz afl›s› oranlar›n›, gebelerin tetanoz afl›s› hakk›ndaki bilgi,
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... m ve davran›fllar›n› de¤erlendiren bir anket uyguland›. Bulgular: Çal›flmaya toplam 227 gebe dahil edildi. Hastalar›n ortalama yafllar› 29.5±6.12 bulunurken ortalama gebelik haftas› 30.79±7.49 saptand›. Daha önceki gebeli¤inde tetanoz afl›s› yapt›rmayan 46 (%12.6) hastan›n 24'ünün (%52.1) ise afl›n›n bebe¤ine zararl› oldu¤unu düflündü¤ü için afl› yapt›rmad›¤› tespit edildi. Ay-r›ca daha önceki gebeli¤inde afl› yapt›rmad›¤›n› belirten 46 hastan›n 2'sinin ise takip eden doktorunun afl›ya karfl› oldu¤u saptand›. 172 (%75.7) hastan›n tetanoz afl›s› yapt›rmas› gerekti¤ini aile hekimi hemfliresinden ö¤rendi¤i tespit edildi. Tetanoz afl›s› olmas› gerek-ti¤ini kad›n hastal›klar› ve do¤um uzman›ndan ö¤renen hasta say›-s› ise sadece 2 (%0.8) idi. Bu gebeli¤inde tetanoz afl›s› olan/olacak hasta say›s› 177 (%77.9) olarak bulunurken 47 (%20.7) hasta ise afl›-y› yapt›r›p yapt›rmama konusunda karars›zd›. Ayr›ca 200 (%88.1) hastan›n tetanoz afl›s›n›n gebelikte yan etkisi olmad›¤›n› bildi¤i tespit edildi. Sonuç: Afl›lanman›n önündeki en büyük hasta kaynakl› engel, has-talar›n afl›n›n bebeklerine zararl› olabilece¤ini düflünmeleri, afl› hakk›ndaki bilgi eksiklikleridir. Sa¤l›k çal›flanlar› kaynakl› en büyük engel ise hastalara afl› hakk›nda yeterli bilgi verilmemesi ve afl›-n›n gereklili¤inin yeteri kadar anlat›lmamas› ve özellikle kad›n do-¤um hekimleri taraf›ndan tetanoz afl›s›n›n sadece birinci basamak sa¤l›k kurulufllar›n›n sorumlu¤unda gibi alg›lanmas›d›r. Abstract Objective: In our study, we aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of pregnant women about tetanus vaccine who admitted to our hospital. Methods: The pregnant women who admitted to our clinic between January 2019 and July 2019 were included in this cross-sectional study. All participants took a questionnaire evaluating tetanus vaccine rates during pregnancy and the knowledge, attitude and behaviors of pregnant women about tetanus vaccine. Results: A total of 227 pregnant women were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 29.5±6.12, and the mean week of gestation was 30.79±7.49. It was found that 24 (52.1%) of the 46 (12.6%) patients who were not vaccinated for tetanus in their previous pregnancies believed that the vaccine was harmful for the baby and therefore they were not vaccinated. In addition, it was found that the physicians who carried out the follow-ups of 2 of these 46 patients, who stated that they were not vaccinated in their previous pregnancies, were also anti-vaxxers. It was found out that 172 (75.7%) patients learnt from the family practitioner's nurse that they needed to be vaccinated. The number of the patients who learnt from the obstetriciangynecologist that they needed to get tetanus vaccine was only 2 (0.8%). While there were 177 (77.9%) patients who were / will be vaccinated for tetanus in this pregnancy, 47 (20.7%) patients were indecisive for being vaccinated or not. Also, 200 (88.1%) patients knew that tetanus vaccine does not have any side effect on pregnancy. Conclusion: The greatest obstacles to the vaccination are the belief that vaccine may harm the baby, and the lack of knowledge about vaccination. The greatest obstacle caused by the healthcare professionals is the lack of providing sufficient information about vaccine, not explaining the necessities of vaccine to patients and the perception of obstetricians in particular that only the primary healthcare organizations are responsible for tetanus vaccine.