An Experiment on Sub-surfale Flow

1961 Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society  
Sub-surface flow occurring under artificial precipitation was measured in two small experimental plots having the soil of granite and tertiary. The hydrographs of the sub-surface flow were analysed with the aid of the measurement of soil porosity. 1) The runoff on litter's surfaces was negligible in comparison with other runoff components. 2) There are two kinds of sub-surface flow: One is through macropores which develop laterally along mountain slopes, functioning like water pipes and another
more » ... occurs on the soil layer which has not sufficient noncapillary pores to transmit all gravitational water. The former takes place in the region where plant roots and small animals are active, and the latter is mainly under this region, occasionally occurring in this region in the case of heavy rain intensity. They have a typical difference between their hydro
doi:10.11519/jjfs1953.43.2_62 fatcat:5kfm6co7lrfbvl6x6voa6u5fea