Using Decision Scenarios to Evaluate Laypeople's Computer-Mediated Medication Information Sharing Choices

Jenna L. Marquard, Patricia Flatley Brennan
2009 unpublished
Motivation -Abstract surveys are currently the primary source of data guiding policy-makers as they frame laypeople's choices to electronically share their health information with care providers. Research approach -We presented laypeople (N=31) with two decision scenarios; one required them to choose whether to share their medication information with three types of physicians, the other required them to recommend sharing choices to four different patients. Findings/Design -Participants' sharing
more » ... choices, their rationale for their choices, and their recommendations for other patients were contrary to what might be expected, given abstract survey responses. Research limitations/Implications -Our focus on sharing medication information with physicians and recruitment of only neurology patients limits the generalizability of the findings. Originality/Value -Walking decision-makers through realistic decision scenarios, and asking them to provide recommendations to other patients allowed us to assess laypeople's true decision criteria. This research therefore demonstrates the value of using realistic decision scenarios to inform policymaking.
doi:10.14236/ewic/ndm2009.33 fatcat:nliu4biiwfbcdgwshcpqsiakhi