Non-Factual "Before" and Adverbs of Quantification

Toshiyuki Ogihara
1995 Semantics and Linguistic Theory  
This article discusses the semantics of before, with special reference to socalled non-factual before and its interaction with adverbs of quantification. I will adopt a version of Anscombe's (1964) analysis of before and supplement it with a modal-temporal presupposition lexically induced by before. This account will be extended to quantificational cases as well within Rooth's (1985) theory of association with focus. Distinct interpretations associated with so-called factual and non-factual
more » ... re-clauses are explained in terms of pragmatic presuppositions.
doi:10.3765/salt.v5i0.2698 fatcat:7b3fusobpzhwznu57aozviivte