Users' Dragging Operation Inuenced by Various Vibration Feedback Patterns on Mobile Devices

Shota Shiraga, Yuichiro Kinoshita, Kentaro Go
2018 The Transactions of Human Interface Society  
Vibration feedback is applied on most touch-screen-based mobile devices to notify users of their operations. However, the effect of vibration types on the operations is not yet discussed in detail. In this study, therefore, the authors applied various vibration patterns to the feedback during dragging operations and investigated their influence, especially for the usability and workload, on the operations. The participants in the study performed the task of dragging a target around a circle on
more » ... smartphone with the vibration device attached. The results revealed that applying specific vibration patterns during the operation affects users' dragging speed, workload and annoyance. Finally, the authors presented four design guidelines, which include that vibration types do not affect dragging operation speed in easy tasks and the vibration patterns with high vibration intensity increase users' workload and annoyance.
doi:10.11184/his.20.1_99 fatcat:cku35nsntnefhmgisq3rpdpmta