Angular Dependence of Channelling in Gold Single Crystals

R. D. Schuckert, H. Lutz, R. Sizmann
1966 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
The penetration profiles of 70 keV krypton-85 ions in gold single crystals were determined for different incident angles between the ion beam and the 〈110〉 or 〈111〉 crystal axis. Channelling is most pronounced in the 110 direction but it falls off at first steeply, then at angular deviations larger than 10° rather slowly by tilting to 〈111〉 or 〈100〉. A sharp aperture cannot be defined for the 110 channel; its half width is of the order of 2 ... 3°. In 〈111〉 no directional channel seems to be
more » ... rative, although the long tail range distribution indicates a steering of the penetrating ions.
doi:10.1515/zna-1966-0814 fatcat:424kddxzlnes3dcssqshg2zj7e