A Descent down the Ladder of Time in Anita Desai's The Zigzag Way

Suhasini Vincent
2009 Commonwealth Essays and Studies  
3. All subsequent references to the novel will be abbreviated to ZW in parenthesis. 4. Irene Nicholson, in Mexican and Central American Mythology, describes how the artistic Huichol Indians of west Mexico regard the peyote as a divine plant. The ingestion of this tap root gave them a feeling of well-being and evoked "visual hallucinations of the remote past" (Nicholson 71). 5. From Teotihuacan on the high plateau to Chichen Itza in Yucatan and farther south, Quetzalcoatl figures as the dominant
more » ... motif on ancient monuments. He is symbolic of the post-revolution Mexican desire to re-establish its old traditions (Nicholson 78).
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