Jamil Aulia, Arifuddin
2019 CMES (Center of Middle Eastern Studies)  
This study discusses the imperative speech acts markers and their functions in a drama entitled a's-Sulthān al-Chāˈir a work by Taufiq Al-Chakim. This study aimed at identifying the imperative speech acts markers and explaining the functions of those imperative speech acts in a's-Sulthān al-Chāˈir drama. This study is a typical qualitative research. The method of data collection in this study used the attentive observation method followed by the basic tapping and advanced note-taking
more » ... The data in this study are clauses or sentences which realize the imperative speech acts. The method applied in analyzing the data is the distributional method which technically followed by the technique of direct elements and the pragmatic equivalent method. Having analyzed 208 data which constitute of 220 sentences, the results are as follow: (1) the imperative speech acts in a's-Sulthān al-Chāˈir drama a work by Taufiq Al-Chakim were realized in standard and non-standard markers, with more standard markers than non-standard markers. The standard markers were realized by the fi'l al-amr marker as many as 186 words, ism fi'l al-amr as many as 41 words (typical repetition), mashdar which represents fi'l al-amr as many as 25 words, and fi'l al-mudhāri' which are attached to the particle lām al-amr as many as 16 words. The non-standard markers are realized with declarative sentences or kalām al-khabar as many as 7 sentences and the interrogative sentences or istifhām as many as 4 sentences. (2) the imperative speech acts in a's-Sulthān al-Chāˈir drama a work by Taufiq Al-Chakim has various functions among others for commanding as many as 100 sentences, inviting or offering were found as many as 60 sentences, requesting as many as 34 sentences, advising as many as 14 sentences, threatening of 7 sentences, weakening as many as 2 sentences, allowing as many as 2 sentences, and giving a choice was found 1 sentence.
doi:10.20961/cmes.12.1.34871 fatcat:fmk2xd5ecjdthn4su5mivnsije