Color effect of school sports uniform made of polyester on thermal sensation provided by solar radiation

Tomonori SAKOI, Satoshi HOSOYA, Yoshihito KURAZUMI, Hiroyuki TAKITA, Takeshi TOGAMI
2017 Journal of Human and Living Environment  
We measured the solar absorption, reflection, and transmission coefficients for seven fabrics made of the same polyester with different color. The solar transmission coefficient for the white one was larger than that for the black one. Considering the increase of surface area by clothing, we proposed a model to analyze solar absorptions at skin and clothing and the sensible heat transfer between skin and the surrounding environment. To calculate the mean solar absorption coefficient at the
more » ... ing and that at the skin for the whole body, we derived the weighting coefficients for body parts through heat transfer analysis. Using the proposed model, we estimated the operative temperature including the effect of solar radiation for the person wearing the summer sport uniform made of the same polyester with different colors. The light color brought the larger solar reflection at the clothing and the larger solar absorption at skin than the dark color. As the result, the operative temperature was almost the same despite the difference in color. The comparison of our operative temperature
doi:10.24538/jhesj.24.2_37 fatcat:vuzjein7mvf2bhxp3wwlfj2fum