Investigating the relationship between Internet addiction and strengthening students social skills

Karimzadeh Nazanin
2015 Educational Research and Reviews  
The present study is about "Investigating the relationship between internet addictions and strengthening students' social skill reinforcement ". One of the social elements in all cultures is social skill or ability to communicate with others effectively. One of the factors that affect this skill is addiction to Internet which has recently attracted the attention of many researchers and scientists. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between internet addictions
more » ... strengthening students' social skills. In this study, multi-stage cluster sampling was used. 345 Undergraduate students of Islamic Azad University of Shahrekord were selected as sample population. The instruments used for the study were two questionnaires, one for Internet addiction and the other for students' social skills. The data collected in the study were analyzed using SPSS software and related tests. The results of the study indicate that there is a relationship between internet addictions variable and social skills variable.
doi:10.5897/err2015.2338 fatcat:uqhd5yhsl5dv5evjul32aodrjy