The Unquenched Quark Model

E. Santopinto, R. Bijker, H. García-Tecocoatzi, J. Ferretti
2015 Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement  
In this contribution, we briefly analyze the formalism of the unquenched quark model (UQM) and its application to the calculation of hadron spectra with self-energy corrections, due to the coupling to the meson-meson continuum. In the UQM, the effects of q q̅ sea pairs are introduced explicitly into the quark model through a QCD-inspired ^3P_0 pair-creation mechanism. The UQM formalism can be extended to include also the effects of hybrid mesons, i.e. hybrid loops. The main applications to spectroscopy and decays are analyzed.
doi:10.5506/aphyspolbsupp.8.21 fatcat:uigus3z47zf3bd7pe74blhe4gi