Real-time scalable visual analysis on mobile devices

Avin Pattath, David S. Ebert, Richard A. May, Timothy F. Collins, William Pike, Reiner Creutzburg, Jarmo H. Takala
2008 Multimedia on Mobile Devices 2008  
Interactive visual presentation of information can help an analyst gain faster and better insight from data. When combined with situational or context information, visualization on mobile devices is invaluable to in-field responders and investigators. However, several challenges are posed by the form-factor of mobile devices in developing such systems. In this paper, we classify these challenges into two broad categories -issues in general mobile computing and issues specific to visual analysis
more » ... on mobile devices. Using NetworkVis and Infostar as example systems, we illustrate some of the techniques that we employed to overcome many of the identified challenges. NetworkVis is an OpenVG-based real-time network monitoring and visualization system developed for Windows Mobile devices. Infostar is a flash-based interactive, real-time visualization application intended to provide attendees access to conference information. Linked time-synchronous visualization, stylus/button-based interactivity, vector graphics, overview-context techniques, details-on-demand and statistical information display are some of the highlights of these applications.
doi:10.1117/12.766604 fatcat:kgr2y3l7vfa7rgnlexut7fw4sq