Model-Driven Instrumentation of Graphical User Interfaces

Mathias Funk, Philip Hoyer, Stefan Link
2009 2009 Second International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions  
In today's continuously changing markets newly developed products often do not meet the demands and expectations of customers. Research on this problem identified a large gap between developer and user expectations. Approaches to bridge this gap are to provide the developers with better information on product usage and to create a fast feedback cycle that helps tackling usage problems. Therefore, the user interface of the product, the central point of human-computer interaction, has to be
more » ... mented to collect accurate usage data which serves as basis for further improvement steps. This paper presents a novel engineering approach that combines model-driven user interface development and flexible instrumentation with run-time monitoring. In its application, it enables observation integration into products which provides comprehensive data about usage and thus allows for fast feedback cycles and consequently increased software quality. A casestudy demonstrates the applicability of this approach.
doi:10.1109/achi.2009.16 dblp:conf/achi/FunkHL09 fatcat:4ng6whzun5fhpkq6c7w7b2wnaq