To Study the Effect of Post-Operative Physiotherapy Management in PostCABG Patients

Gaurav Kapoor, Som Gupta, Ammar Faisal Khan
2017 Journal of Nursing and Health Studies  
Backround: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery is a form of heart surgery that redirects blood around clogged arteries to increase blood flow and oxygen to the heart. During CABG surgery, the surgeon uses a portion of a healthy vessel (either an artery or vein) from the leg, chest, or arm to create a bypass around the clogged artery. Patients typically receive 1 to 5 bypasses per operation depending on how many coronary arteries (and their main branches) are blocked. During CABG surgery
more » ... with cardiopulmonary bypass a heart-lung machine artificially maintains blood circulation and oxygenation while the surgeon operates on the heart. Aims and Objectives: To increase cardiac efficiency, increase exercise tolerance or endurance and to get the effective and better post-operative results. Further at the end of the study we should be able to plan out an effective treatment plan for post-operative CABG patients and know the effect of Master 2-minute step test and 6minute walk test in post-operative CABG patients. Methodology: Study was conducted in Hero DMC heart institute in Punjab. Sixty-seven study participants (aged between 40 years to 70 years) were randomly recruited to the study. Recruited study participants received treatment in two sessions that is master 2-minute step test procedure was used in morning and 6-minute walk test procedure was used in evening session. Assessment and reassessment was done before and after completion of treatment procedure on every day and data was collected using assessment format for 3 rd and 7 th day. Outcome measures: Primary outcome in both master 2min step test and 6-min walk test showed that there occurs decrease in heart rate, respiratory rate, increase in oxygen saturation and decrease in exertion. Secondary outcomes included more decrease in heart rate, respiratory rate and fatigue and increase in oxygen saturation. Improvement in faster heart function elaborated from the Heart rate (p<0.05) with both procedures that is master 2-minute step test and 6minute walk test. Conclusion: The result obtained after statistical analysis shows that both master 2-minute step test and 6-minute walk test has the additional advantage of faster recovery as analyzed from mean of the before and after exercise using Tukey's method on both of 3 rd day and 7 th day.
doi:10.21767/2574-2825.1000013 fatcat:howzycpbjfhvjck7mksuz6qouy