Canadian French Translation of The Couples Satisfaction Index: A Pre-Validation Pilot Study Exploring Men's Perspective [post]

Jalila Jbilou, Andréanne Charbonneau, René-Pierre Sonier, Paul S. Greenman, Natasha Levesque, Sophie Barriault, Véronique Sonier, Jean Grenier, Marie-Hélène Chomienne
2021 unpublished
Background It is imperative for health care professionals to have access to valid and reliable tools to evaluate the quality of romantic relationships, as it has been repeatedly shown to be related to psychological and physical health outcomes. The Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI) was developed to address the shortcomings of the most widely cited measures of satisfaction by increasing precision and power of measurement. However, the use of this questionnaire is limited due to a lack of
more » ... d versions. The purpose of the current study was therefore to translate the CSI to Canadian French (CanFrench-CSI) and to evaluate its reliability in a sample of male Canadians. Methods The CSI questionnaire was adapted and translated into Canadian French using a forward-backward approach. Its reliability was then evaluated by means of Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficients, corrected item-total correlation coefficients, and a test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient at a two-week interval. Results Data from 53 men in committed relationships were analyzed. The French adaptation of the CSI demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Conclusions Overall, the results provided evidence supporting the translation consistency and reliability of the CanFrench-CSI, and thus, paved the way for further research on romantic relationships and health outcomes among French-speaking individuals.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:46lkjxaqurekbilxumvxo6xoz4