Practical modeling and simulation in small spacecraft engineers training

M. A. Barulina, D. V. Fomin, A. V. Golikov, D. O. Strukov, A. C. German, A. A. Ogorodnikov, S. A. Galkina
2022 AIP Conference Proceedings  
In this paper the experience of organizing the project work of students and postgraduates on a nanosatellite and a payload module for it is described. Such projects have a great importance for the training of small spacecraft engineers, because the designed nano satellite is not only launched on Earth's orbit, but it is functioned there. The inclusion of both full-experiments and numerical models in the leaning course helps to form students and postgraduates understanding that full-scale
more » ... ents and numerical modeling are not mutually exclusive approaches, but on the contrary, they are complementing each other. So, they should be used together if possible.
doi:10.1063/5.0104328 fatcat:bmtq2uehufbs7e5bvmr5dlepmm