فاعلیة بیئة تدریب قائمة على التعلّم المتنقّل فی تنمیة مهارات إنتاج الاختبارات الإلکترونیة لدى معلّمی المرحلة المتوسطة بدولة الکویت

عمار حسن صفر
2021 مجلة البحث العلمى فى التربیة  
The research aimed to verify the effectiveness of a training environment based on mobile learning on developing the skills of producing e-tests among intermediate school teachers in Kuwait. The sample of the research consisted of (40) intermediate school teachers, who were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental group consisted of (20) teachers using a training environment based on mobile learning, and the control group consisted of (20) teachers using traditional training. The
more » ... ch included two tools: an achievement test, and final product criteria checklist; and to achieve this goal the integration of the descriptive analytical approach and the experimental approach has been used. The results of the research found a statistically significant difference at an indication level (α ≤ 0.05) between the mean scores of the teachers of the experimental group using (mobile learning-based training environment) in the pre-and post-application of the achievement test in favor of the post-application, and a statistically significant difference (α ≤ 0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group using (mobile learning-based training environment), and the mean scores of the control group using (traditional training) in the postapplication of the achievement test and the final product criteria checklist in favor of the experimental group. The study recommended that training courses should be organized for teachers to raise awareness of the importance of eassessment in the teaching process.
doi:10.21608/jsre.2021.78051.1323 fatcat:yrvrkfwp6rglzdqixr4llgnvqa