Tieftemperatur-Kristallstruktur der Einschlußverbindung {[N(CH3)4]+Cl]2-} · CH3CN · H2O / Low-Temperature Crystal Structure of the Inclusion Compound {[N(CH3)4]+Cl]2-} · CH3CN · H2O

Rolf Minkwitz, Raimund Bröchler, Hans Preut
1996 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
The crystal structure of {[N(CH3)4+Cl]2}·CH3CN · H2O is reported. Crystalls are orthorhombic, space group Pnma, with a = 1622.9(15), b = 671.3(6), c = 1511.2(11) pm, V = 1646(2) 106 pm3 and Z = 4.
doi:10.1515/znb-1996-0426 fatcat:nhl3vbihsvgk5iqtvnhqigyvem