Ethical Problems of Religious Expertise and New Religious Movements

S. V. Kachurova
2000 Ukrainian Religious Studies  
In the development of any science, sooner or later, there comes a stage when it needs to extend its abstract theoretical positions on a particular material. Here the method of science achieves such an organic unity with the subject that one can speak of it as a historically completed science. The concept of "expertise" (Lat. Expertus - research, exploratory) as applying specialized knowledge to a fact, is this achieved science identity. Humanities indistinguishable from natural. Only a slight
more » ... fference in the term implies different forms relationships. Science spirit, thus resulting science is performing examination (psychiatric, criminological, historical, art, analytical, etc.), natural science - a science, conducting experiment
doi:10.32420/2000.14.1079 fatcat:5zs4bqhupzdybpoezz5x4fx5di