A Study on the Guideline of Toilets Design for Elementary Lower-Grade Students - Based on the Survey for Elementary Schools under Seoul Gangseo District Office of Education -
초등학교 저학년 화장실 공간디자인 개선에 관한 연구 - 서울강서교육지원청 관할 초등학교 사례조사를 바탕으로 -

Hyun-Young Yoon, Yoo-Na Jeong
2013 Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal  
Elementary school's physical environment is critical to lower grade students. Among the many physical conditions, Toilet, which belongs to health and sanitation category is very important to those who start school for the first time. The purpose of this study is for suggesting the guidelines of toilet design reflecting psychological and behavioral aspects of lower grade students. The research was executed as follows. Firstly, focused survey groups were carefully chosen. Five elementary schools
more » ... ere selected, being all open after 2005 under Seoul Gangseo District Office of Education. Secondly, field study was executed to find out toilet usage, during the period between April to June 2012, by visiting schools to see basic facilities, taking pictures and making actual measurement in each toilets. The architectural analysis was focused on location, moving line, actual size and space zoning, while the interior analysis being on finishing materials and the design of sanitary equipments. And the design elements such as color, lighting fixture, art works or signage were analysed, too. Finally, questionnaire survey was done to find out preferences of lower grade students. As a result, the guidelines of toilet design can be divided into two main parts, Physical and Psychological. For the Physical part, it is necessary for related facilities to be concentrated in order to give easy access. In addition, good ventilation, better lighting and to install sanitary equipments ergonomically are required. Furthermore, safe and clean maintenance should be considered. Psychologically, the design should be directed for making lower grade students come to toilets with comfort and more pleasantly.
doi:10.14774/jkiid.2013.22.1.307 fatcat:edbrf3447vap7n2vhjdhl5yw7i