Dosimetric Effects of Low Dose 4D CT Using a Commercial Iterative Reconstruction on Dose Calculation in Radiation Treatment Planning: A Phantom Study

Hee Jung Kim, Sung Yong Park, Young Hee Park, Ah Ram Chang
2017 Progress in Medical Physics  
We investigated the effect of a commercial iterative reconstruction technique (iDose, Philips) on the image quality and the dose calculation for the treatment plan. Using the electron density phantom, the 3D CT images with five different protocols (50, 100, 200, 350 and 400 mAs) were obtained. Additionally, the acquired data was reconstructed using the iDose with level 5. A lung phantom was used to acquire the 4D CT with the default protocol as a reference and the low dose (one third of the
more » ... ult protocol) 4D CT using the iDose for the spine and lung plans. When applying the iDose at the same mAs, the mean HU value was changed up to 85 HU. Although the 1 SD was increased with reducing the CT dose, it was decreased up to 4 HU due to the use of iDose. When using the low dose 4D CT with iDose, the dose change relative to the reference was less than 0.5% for the target and OARs in the spine plan. It was also less than 1.1% in the lung plan. Therefore, our results suggests that this dose reduction technique is applicable to the 4D CT image acquisition for the radiation treatment planning.
doi:10.14316/pmp.2017.28.1.27 fatcat:fpxilx446ncmdlivjeadivonvq