Increase ind-Wave Superconducting Transition Temperature near Imperfect Layer in Correlated Electron System

Tetsu Nobukuni, Hirono Kaneyasu, Nobuyuki Shima, Kenji Makoshi
2009 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan  
The effect of the site potential in an imperfect layer is studied in a d-wave layer superconductor on the basis of the electron correlation. The site potential binds electrons to the imperfect layer, and then, the superconductivity of the imperfect layer is independent of that of the bulk. We found that the superconducting transition temperature of the imperfect layer becomes higher than that of the bulk owing to the effect of the site potential. In this situation, the Fermi surface of the
more » ... fect layer has a strong nesting feature leading to increases in both the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation and the density of states near the Fermi level, which are in favor of d-wave pairing.
doi:10.1143/jpsj.78.113703 fatcat:pqqb2q6li5hlhnaofjdonkdzei