Thermoacoustic Solar Cooling for Domestic Usage Sizing Software Part (I)

Tareq Konaina, Nasser Yassen
2012 Energy Procedia  
In the project of "Thermoacoustic solar cooling for domestic usage" funded by University of Damascus, which well be built in refrigeration laboratory, it was necessary to start up the project with the ability to use for cooling achieving known temperature and required capacity. As the possible required cooling variable, it was necessary to obtain the sizes of the Thermoacoustic cooler and optimal design pressure as a function of the required cooling capacity in order to insure convenient sound
more » ... ower. In this paper, the modeling equations for design were done and turned into a computer program. The developed program inputs were the possible cooling capacity and some assumptions such as gas and stack type and initial dimensions with the possibility of changes. The outputs were stack, heat exchangers and resonator sizes and acoustics Driver power necessary. The program has been tested on some manufactured models such as Tijani's 5 watts and Normah Mohd Ghazali's 5 watts refrigerator, results was satisfactory.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.05.024 fatcat:pxh6emmcvvdelgaycuqqn722yi