Digital repository to integration with learning content management system (LCMS)

Muzafer Saracevic, Semsudin Plojovic, Enis Ujkanovic
2012 Ekonomski izazovi  
Apstrakt U ovom radu su opisane nove tehnike i procesi u savremenom obrazovanju. Proces digitalizacije omogućava jednaka prava svim učesnicima u pristupu naučnim i kulturnim dobrima. U radu su opisani neki digitalni repozitorijumi koji se najviše koriste u svetu i napravljena je veza istih sa sistemima za upravljanje edukativnim sadržajima (LCMS). Stavljen je akcenat na objekte učenja koji predstavljaju sastavni deo repozitorijuma i na primenu SCORM standarda koji predstavlja model za stvaranje
more » ... i organizaciju e-učenja. Abstract This paper describes new techniques and processes in contemporary education. The process of digitization allows equal rights to all participants in the approach to scientific and cultural treasures. The presented some digital repositories which are mostly used in the world and made the connection with the same system for educational content management (LCMS). Emphasis is placed on learning objects that are an integral part of the repository and the application of the SCORM standard, which is a model for the creation and organization of elearning.
doi:10.5937/ekoizavov1201067s fatcat:wlru4zge4zcn5g4tlpmp6cxjhy