Crystal structure of tetraaquabis(pyridine-4-carboxamide-N)zinc(II) 1,5-naphthalenedisulfonate — isonicotinamide — water (1:2:4), [Zn(H2O)4(C6H6N2O)2][C10H6S2O6] · 2C6H6N2O · 4H2O

Ning Zhao, Zhaoxun Lian, Ping Liu
2010 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures  
C 34H46N8O18S2Zn, triclinic, P1 (no. 2), a =10.366(6) Å, b =10.920(6) Å, c =10.941(5) Å, a =70.83 (5) Source of material Isonicotinamide (INA, 0.048 g, 0.4 mmol) was added with constant stirring to an aqueous solution of Zn(NO 3 ) 3 · 6H 2 O(0.060 g, 20 ml, 0.2 mmol). The solution was then treated with disodium naphthalene-1,5-disulfonate (0.66 g, 0.2 mmol). Colourless crystals of the title complex were collected after 10 d( 61 %y ield based on Zn). Experimental details The O-bound Hatoms were
more » ... ocated in difference Fourier maps and refined as riding in their as-found relative positions with U iso(H) =1.2 Ueq(O). The other hydrogen atoms were geometrically placed and refined as riding with d(C-H) =0 .93 Å, d(N-H) =0.86 Å, U iso (H) =1.2 U eq (C,N).
doi:10.1524/ncrs.2010.0202 fatcat:nquzyoco4bgstmgbqga2ls2gs4