Mathematical Analysis of Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus in South Korea to Assess Difference in Impact on Genders and Assessing Trends for Adequacy of Measures Employed

2020 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
Coronavirus or COVID-19 has shaken the world like nothing in the last 70 years or more. The approach so far appears to be focused more on preventing spread of cases rather than eradicating the pandemic. While South Korea's efforts at preventing spread have produced commendable results, a mathematical analysis using polynomial regression indicates that more is needed than the presently employed measures to eradicate this pandemic or address the concern of fatalities on account of COVID-19. A
more » ... ine could be that additional measure without which the pandemic may linger for a long time to come. Further, it is seen that though females appear to be more susceptible to falling prey to the pandemic, fatalities are greater among males indicating that gender may have a role in the manner in which the human body fights this pandemic
doi:10.35940/ijeat.d7940.049420 fatcat:g2y6jge33fcl5bkbucjriyrlxe