Texture-Based Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy [chapter]

Stefan Ameling, Stephan Wirth, Dietrich Paulus, Gerard Lacey, Fernando Vilarino
2009 Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2009  
Colonoscopy is one of the best methods for screening colon cancer. A variety of research groups have proposed methods for automatic detection of polyps in colonoscopic images to support the doctors during examination. However, the problem can still not be assumed as solved. The major drawback of many approaches is the amount and quality of images used for classifier training and evaluation. Our database consists of more than four hours of high resolution video from colonoscopies which were
more » ... ned and labeled by medical experts. We applied four methods of texture feature extraction based on Grey-Level-Co-occurence and Local-Binary-Patterns. Using this data, we achieved classification results with an area under the ROC-curve of up to 0.96.
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-93860-6_70 dblp:conf/bildmed/AmelingWPLV09 fatcat:fufhrozp7rh2lahsppbr7yhzbe