Little flavor: A model of weak-scale flavor physics

Sichun Sun, David B. Kaplan, Ann E. Nelson
2013 Physical Review D  
We describe a model of quarks which identifies the large global symmetries of little Higgs models with the global flavor symmetries that arise in a deconstruction of the extra-dimensional 'topological insulator' model of flavor. The nonlinearly realized symmetries of little Higgs theories play a critical role in determining the flavor structure of fermion masses and mixing. All flavor physics occurs at the few TeV scale in this model, yet flavor changing neutral currents arising from the new
more » ... sics are naturally smaller than those generated radiatively in the standard model, without having to invoke minimal flavor violation.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.87.125036 fatcat:23lcpgirrrfclm3g64mj5ptqe4