Shock-tube calibration of a fast-response pressure transducer

1990 16th Aerodynamic Ground Testing Conference   unpublished
The sensitivity of a miniature fast-response piezoresistive pressure transducer determined dynamically was found to be slightly higher than that determined statically. Thus, mean pressures in a turbulent or unsteady flowfield that are measured using statically-calibrated pressure transducers would be slightly above true values. Unsteady pressure measurements to obtain space-time correlations and spectra can, however, be properly performed if the slight error is acceptable. These measurements
more » ... , obviously, subjected to limitations imposed by the bandwidth and the spatial resolution of the transducer. The noise spectrum revealed that the noise is predominantly above the transducer's resonant frequency. Filtering to improve the signal-to-noise ratio is particularly necessary when using the transducers a t their low range. Ttansducer drift increases the signal-to-noise ratio and can adversely affect mean measurements. a AID C 9 -ID M P T S f N u V Al Y U Nomenclature
doi:10.2514/6.1990-1399 fatcat:f7bfsf4z4nd2hhxs6qarzilj2y