Anuar Othman, Nasharuddin Isa, Rohaya Othman
2015 Jurnal Teknologi  
Graphical abstract Abstract Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) chemically can be synthesized in the laboratory. In this study, hydrated lime or calcium hydroxide was used as raw material with sucrose as additive to produce PCC. The process was compared with the one without additive. PCC produced was observed based on morphology, mineral composition and size by using Fesem-Edx and LPSA, respectively. PCC products without additive demonstrated fine and more uniform size of calcite PCC as
more » ... d to the one with additive. Nevertheless, the process with additive produced more PCC product than without additive. Abstrak Kalsium karbonat termendak (PCC) boleh disintesis secara kimia di dalam makmal. Dalam kajian ini, kapur terhidrat telah digunakan sebagai bahan mentah dan sukros sebagai bahan tambahan dalam penghasilan PCC. Proses ini dibandingkan dengan proses tanpa menggunakan bahan tambahan. PCC terhasil diperhatikan berdasarkan morfologi, kandungan mineral dan saiz menggunakan Fesem-Edx and LPSA. Hasil PCC tanpa bahan tambahan mempunyai saiz lebih halus dan seragam berbanding dengan kalsium karbonat yang terhasil menggunakan bahan tambahan. Walau bagaimanapun kuantiti hasil PCC menggunakan bahan tambahan adalah lebih banyak berbanding dengan tanpa bahan tambahan Kata kunci: Kalsium karbonat termendak (PCC), kalsium sukrat, gas karbon dioksida, morfologi
doi:10.11113/jt.v77.6004 fatcat:sh5humbrs5ewlabl6ogy7frbfy