How Team Creative environment is fostered by Corporate Social Responsibility and Team's Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Travel agencies? A Mediation Model

Islam Elgammal, Eman Elshenawy
2016 Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality  
Team creativity is a process that result from the interaction between some organizational factors and team processes. Teams are more creative if their environments foster creativity. Team environment will be more creative when organizations are more socially responsible and when team members are good citizens to their teams. Team creativity research focused on team factors or organization factors but not on both. In this paper, the focus is on the group level Organization Citizenship Behavior
more » ... CBG) mediation to the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on team creative environment (TCE). Results of a sample of 301 Egyptian employees in the tourism field (i.e. travel agencies) in Sharm Elsheikh, support the hypotheses. CSR has significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, supporting hypothesis one. Group level citizenship behavior has a significant positive effect on team creative environment, supporting hypothesis two. Multiple dimensions of both CSR and OCBG are tested and results are in multiple directions. The results are discussed in the light of that both organizational and team level factors are essential for affecting individual behavior and creativity in teams in the tourism industry.
doi:10.21608/jaauth.2016.49742 fatcat:crhwq6zsazaohluhww7guaneoq