2017 Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies  
The criminal networks in Latin America are expanding and diversifying their activities. As a result, there is a convergence of threats that were traditionally different to modern-day threats that are explosive and with destabilizing-filled impacts. Criminal violence associated with TOC is the most severe problem facing the nations in Latin America. The increased cases of TOCs in the region have led to insecurity and violence across the region, hence; challenges to residents, public security
more » ... es and travelers. The factors leading to TOC in the region have been grouped into suitable geostrategic position, poor governance, corruption, poverty, and also issues of inequality and social mobility. Corruption has greatly facilitated TOC as an organized crime representative bribe, such government officials as police officers and the judges. TOCs impair the social and economic systems in the region, undermining the capacity of the nations to govern, and also creating a non-friendly environment for the travelers due to high incidences of kidnapping. TOC in Latin America has extended beyond its traditional strongholds of Colombia and Mexico; hence there is the need for multinational agencies and governments to cooperate in combating the challenge. However, this paper discusses the causes, effects and challenges of transnational organised crimes (TOCs) from the perspective of Latin America. This paper also glimpses at the security system in Latin American countries and how TOCs affect the security system in this region.
doi:10.25275/apjabssv3i2ss13 fatcat:yxmbsiizmveizhrzbpah2ziz5e