Design of Virtual Physics Laboratory Based on STEAM Education

Yulong Bai, Dianfei Peng, Jie Yang
2020 Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Economics and Information Management (ICEEIM 2019)   unpublished
Virtual reality is a new emerging sophisticated technology which can enable human to feel an object without a real touching. Physics experiments are the most visual and intuitive way for students to study physics, and are the best way to stimulate students' interest in Physics. We have applied Virtual Reality technology to build a Physic laboratory based on STEAM concept, which is a new educational concept that integrates multiple disciplines. Therefore, the combination of STEAM education with
more » ... irtual Physics experiments enables students to conduct experimental operations at different levels and at different times, thereby improving students' knowledge learning ability and practical operation level, and promoting students' abilities and literacy.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200401.006 fatcat:3lcezmuyx5hvrdngstozrposai