Hopf-Wess-Zumino term in the effective action of the 6d, (2, 0) field theory revisted

Shan Hu, Dimitri Nanopoulosa
2011 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We discuss the Hopf-Wess-Zumino term in the effective action of the 6d (2, 0) theory of the type A_N-1 in a generic Coulomb branch. For such terms, the supergravity calculation could be trusted. We calculate the WZ term on supergravity side and show that it could compensate the anomaly deficit, as is required by the anomaly matching condition. In contrast with the SYM theory, in which each WZ term involves one root e_i-e_j, here, the typical WZ term involves two roots e_i-e_j and e_k-e_j. Such
more » ... ind of triple interaction may come from the integrating out of the massive states carrying three indices. A natural candidate is the recently proposed 1/4 BPS objects in the Coulomb phase of the 6d (2, 0) theories. The WZ term could be derived from the field theory by the integration out of massive degrees of freedom. Without the 6d (2, 0) theory at hand, we take the supersymmetric equations for the 3-algebra valued (2, 0) tensor multiplet as the prototype to see how far we can go. The H_3∧ A_3 part of the WZ term is obtained, while the A_3∧ F_4 part, which is the term accounting for the anomaly matching, cannot be produced by the standard fermion loop integration.
doi:10.1007/jhep10(2011)054 fatcat:2znys3t2jbcbvgvozc2acoau5q