A Study on Core Collection through Circulation Statistics of Books in an Academic Library
대학도서관 단행본 대출이력통계를 통한 집중장서에 관한 연구

Ji-Ann Yang, Young Joon Nam
2016 Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science  
This study analyzes circulation patterns of books with checkout transaction count by 11 subject areas, 5 positions, and 5 divisions with a Use Factor developed by Bonn in an Academic Library. 20% of the loan books occupies more than half of circulation and these are regarded as core collection. It proposes a 'Loan books 20/50 rule' that 20% core collection accounts for 50% of its circulation. It analyzes the proportion of core collection from the aspect of each subject area with a use factor,
more » ... nthly change trend and loan period. It also defines 'book usage' considering checkout frequency of each title and loan period. Circulation patterns of core collection are compared and analyzed in terms of both checkout frequency and book usage. Core collection occupies about more than half of both total checkout transactions and total book usages and they all show a Power Law distribution.
doi:10.4275/kslis.2016.50.3.429 fatcat:si2yuaiuongxxk6mjqjy7igfxm