
1892 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
Deaths reported 2,719: under five years of age 985; principal infectious diseases (small-pox, measles, diphtheria and croup, diarrhoea! diseases, whooping cough, erysipelas and fevers) 491, acute lung diseases 810, consumption 302, diphtheria and croup 214, dinrrhcaal diseases 78, typhoid fever 74, whooping-cough 41, scarlet fover 35, measles 15, eerebro-spinal meningitis 11, erysipelas 10, malarial fever 10, small-pox 3. From whooping-cough Brooklyn 33, New York 5, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and
more » ... shington 1 each. From scarlet fever Chicago 3, New York 7, Philadelphia (i, Boston and Fall Kiver 4 each, Cleveland and Pittsburgh 2 each, Brooklyn and Chelsea 1 each. From measles Chicago (i, New York 4, Brooklyn 2, Boston, Lowell and Fall Kiver 1 each. From eerebro-spinal meningitis Chicago 3, Washington 2, New York, Worcester, Lynn, Brockton. Gloucester and Quincy I each. From erysipelas Brooklyn 4, New York and Philadelphia 2 each, Chicago and Boston 1 each. From malarial fever New York anil Brooklyn 4 each. Philadelphia and Charleston 1 each. From small-pox New York 2, Boston 1. In the thirty-three greater towns of England and Wales with an estimated population of 10,138,449, for the week ending October 22d, the death-rate was 13.0. Deaths reported 3,521: acute diseases of the respiratory organs (London) 267, diarrhoea 91, measles 33, diphtheria68, scarlet fever 58, fever 411, whoopingcough 29, small-pox ( Oldliani and Halifax 2 each) -1. The death-rates ranged from 7.9 in Croydon to 23.0 in Preston ;
doi:10.1056/nejm189211101271917 fatcat:2omt7fbz7zgp7a67lrkxw6uexq