Tax wedge on labour income in Croatia and the European Union : Preface to the special issue of Financial Theory and Practice

Ivica Urban
2016 Financial Theory and Practice  
ivica urban: tax wedge on labour income in croatia and the european union preface to the special issue of financial theory and practice financial theory and practice 40 (2) 157-168 (2016) 158 abstract This article is a preface to a special issue of Financial Theory and Practice, which is devoted to the comparison of tax wedge on labour income in Croatia and other EU countries. The articles in this issue have arisen from the students ' research project, undertaken in 2015. This Preface outlines
more » ... he motivation behind the research project, explains the most important methodological issues, and reviews the literature on the measurement of tax wedge in Croatia.
doi:10.3326/fintp.40.2.1 fatcat:p33nvdanybca7fp6ulw5ms2m6e