Deepa Shree C, Nishchitha R Kasyap, Manjunathc
2017 International journal of research - granthaalayah  
Aim of the project is to reduce the traffic congestion at a particular location in peak hours with the help of Google maps. Google maps, one of the widely used user-friendly app which helps an individual to give an alert of traffic congestion in that particular location in which she is actually going. As a result of this, Google maps will suggest an individual to take an alternative route, as the major route is highly affected by traffic jam. This alternative route suggested by Google maps is a
more » ... faster route without traffic and help to reach an individual to her destination on time without much delay. For an individual, from different places doesn't have any clue about the city and at which locations do traffic exists and continue to persist over a long period of time.
doi:10.29121/granthaalayah.v5.i6.2017.1999 fatcat:amyiqmignvdh3gm4ti7iyuvehq