Handbook of vocational education and training: Developments in the changing world of work. In 2 volumes. Springer: Dordrecht

Martin J Mulcahy
2019 Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training  
Why this handbook?The Handbook of vocational education and training: Developments in the changing world of work ('the Handbook') is as ambitious as it is significant. The editors have articulated the need for the Handbook as being a consequence of the 'mushrooming of new journals, the expansion of the volume of research, and the widening of international cooperation by international Vocational Education and Training institutions'.5 The ambition of the Handbook is to provide a comprehensive
more » ... iew of current thinking and scholarly writing in the field of vocational education and training (VET).
doi:10.14426/jovacet.v2i2.74 fatcat:rfqwspoozbdado44c4cwawnyem