Changes of parameters of carbonyl-oxidative stress in rats with experimental myocardial ischemia under the influence of doxycycline

V. Tkachenko, A. Shevtsova
2018 Vestnik Kievskogo nacionalnogo universiteta imeni Tarasa Ševčenko  
Heart diseases, especially acute myocardial infarction (AMI), belong to the most severe illnesses that often lead to death. Despite a large number of studies, the biochemical mechanisms of AMI and post-infarction myocardial remodeling are poorly understood. Carbonyl-oxidative stress (COS) is one of the more important triggers of the post-infarction complications in these patients, so the neutralizing of the intermediates and final products of COS are a perspective direction in the treatment of
more » ... MI. Flavonoide antioxidants as well as inhibitors of carbonylation and glycation of proteins shown the cardioprotective effects but their use have some limitations. Recently, new studies have appeared concerning the cardioprotective action of the doxycycline (DC). This tetracycline antibiotic can inhibit matrix metalloproteinases and proteolysis in extracellular matrix. At the same time, the presence of a multiple-substituted phenol ring can provide the ability of DC to neutralize free radicals, so we hypothesized that it can inhibit the COS. This article compares the effects of small (4,2 mg/kg) and of large (16.8 mg/kg) doses of DC with the effects of classical antioxidants, corvitin and aminoguanidine. The COS-markers and activity of antioxidant enzymes were determined in the blood and subcellular heart fractions of the rats with pituitrin-isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage. It has been established that DC exhibits cardioprotective properties, reducing the formation of products of carbonyl and oxidative modification of biomolecules TBA-active substances, fluorescent end products of glycation (fAGE), aldehyde phenylhydrazones (AFH) and ketone phenylhydrazones (CPH), and a more pronounced effect was shown for the low doses of this drug. Simultaneously, the DC activates enzymes of antioxidant protection, first of all, glutathione peroxidase. Effects of small doses of DC are comparable or exceed the action of aminoguanidine and corvitin, so DC can be useful in the treatment of postinfarction heart failure.
doi:10.17721/1728_2748.2018.76.6-12 fatcat:evsm26loqvavrbl2lfa7e7kyxq